Webinar: Basics of Fair Housing

When:  Jun 10, 2020 from 14:00 to 15:30 (CT)

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Basics of Fair Housing

This session is designed for leasing consultants and maintenance professionals with less than five years’ experience.  This session will describe the protected categories and a list of housing providers’ most common fair housing mistakes including those resulting from testing, failure to properly address and document requests for reasonable accommodations, and the fair housing ramifications of not properly training and supervising maintenance employees. Important Indiana laws relevant to fair housing will be explained.  Reasonable accommodations procedures and best practices will be covered, including lots of real-life examples. The trainer is a nationally recognized fair housing attorney and trainer with more than 35 years’ experience advising and training housing providers. This promises to be a fast paced, interactive, and entertaining program.  

Instructor: Kathi Williams

Continuing education credits: 3

No cancellations or refunds accepted within two days of course/event.